Data Refresh

How to refresh data in Cryptosheets

Written by Chris Ware
Updated over a week ago

How to refresh data in Cryptosheets


  • There are multiple ways to refresh data in both Excel & Googlesheets

  • Some methods may be limited by your subscription which you can see on the pricing page

  • This page explores various methods & examples for both environments


Using volatile functions including =NOW(), =TODAY(), =RAND(), =RANDBETWEEN(), =OFFSET(), =INDIRECT(), =INFO() and =CELL() cause the entire workbook to refresh all cells on any* state change DO NOT use them with Cryptosheets functions as they will cause errors and rapidly consume your request quota. There are many other things that can cause unintended auto refresh of formulas - please see the bottom of this page and read the full help center article


Refresh any crypto data on demand

Automatically refresh any crypto data at any interval

Refresh Methods (from your spreadsheet application)

  1. Automatically refresh the entire workbook (Google Sheets)

  2. Refresh a single worksheet

  3. Refresh a specific range of cells

  4. Refresh a specific cell or formula

  5. Refresh a group of specific cells or formulas with linked invocations and triggers

Streaming Refresh Methods (from the source)

  1. Streaming refresh (ie CS.EXRATE) at custom intervals

  2. Auto invocating refresh at custom intervals (ie CS.TIME for Excel) useable with any integrated data source

Refresh Methods (using templates)

Read our extensive blog tutorial on how to build a real time streaming dashboard using the CS.EXRATE custom function (Excel only)

Refresh Examples

TIP: Use Google to help search for Cryptosheets data refresh examples by adding a "?" to your question


Advanced Refresh Examples

Cryptosheets custom functions allow infinite combinations of custom refresh setups including high frequency low interval time series with simultaneous technical indicator transformations!


Try these methods to manually or automatically refresh Cryptosheets data in Google Sheets

  1. Using your keyboard select any cell with a formula then press F2 + enter

  2. Using a simple cell reference as a custom refresh parameter with the CSPRICEA function and changing the cell value to trigger the invocation


  3. Change any parameter in the formula and/or change it back

    Example: =CSPRICE("BTC","USD")

    to =CSPRICE("ETH","USD")

  1. Using a checkbox - see YouTube tutorial from the Insert menu to create a trigger/control cell that others can link too


  2. =CSPRICEA("base","BTC","quote","USD","refresh",GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:USDEUR"))


  1. Using your keyboard select any cell with a formula then press F2 + enter

  2. Using a simple cell reference as a custom refresh parameter with the CS.PRICEA function and changing the cell value to trigger the invocation


  3. Using the CS.TIME custom function as a scheduled trigger for other cells/formulas at custom intervals

  4. Using the CS.EXRATE custom function for real time global VWAP pricing

  5. Using a simple control or trigger cell (similar to the checkbox method)

Custom Function Comparison

Below is a detailed comparison of the different features and capabilities of three of the most commonly used Cryptosheets custom functions (aka formulas) including the ability for each to define specific data providers & sources (ie global VWAP default, exchanges, API providers) and their built-in or supported refresh capabilities


live current price

live, streaming prices (streaming for Excel only)

live, automatic custom refresh (using CS.TIME in Excel only)

built-in native refresh as a parameter

global VWAP as default/fallback

historical prices by date/time

supports single string symbolId parameter

supports the source parameter

market price type (bid/mid/ask)

derivatives live, current pricing (futures, options, perpetuals, swaps, index, credit)

derivatives historical pricing by date/time (futures, options, perpetuals, swaps, index, credit)


TIP: Remember that just because you are refreshing a formula or API call in your spreadsheet doesn't necessarily mean the actual underlying data (from the source) is being refreshed at the same time or frequency


  1. Does not support real time refresh or streaming

  2. By default automatically opens your entire workbook every day to complete the auto save for backups on GSuite or Google Drive

  3. Has specific limits on number of requests, bandwidth and total amount of data size that can be requested to single IP addresses, subnets and more

Unintentional Auto Refresh

Example causes that could trigger auto disable: ​

👉 Using volatile functions including =NOW(), =TODAY(), =RAND(), =RANDBETWEEN(), =OFFSET(), =INDIRECT(), =INFO() and =CELL() cause the entire workbook to refresh all cells on any* state change

⚠️ DO NOT use them with Cryptosheets functions as they will cause errors and rapidly consume your request quota ⚠️

  1. You have multiple Cryptosheets functions that are directly or indirectly linked to cells with volatile functions like =NOW(), =TODAY() =BNOW()

  2. You are repeatedly sending incorrect symbol, or exchange asset pairs (which result in errors)

  3. You are repeatedly using incorrect parameters with custom functions (ie using time or exchange for =CS.EXRATE when those aren't valid parameters)

  4. You have existing VBA macros, custom Google App Scripts or similar programmatic triggers setup

  5. You are using a custom function that that your subscription tier doesn't have access to (ie =CS.TIME)

  6. You have multiple hanging errors in cells that are trying to auto recalculate constantly

  7. You have a formula with an array output (multiple columns & rows) that is stuck in #SPILL! mode because there is data in the cells it needs to write data to

Other Common Things that Can & Will Cause Unexpected Refresh Include:

  • Entering new data (if Excel is in Automatic recalculation mode, described later in this topic).

  • Explicitly instructing Excel to recalculate all or part of a workbook.

  • Deleting or inserting a row or column.

  • Saving a workbook while the Recalculate before save option is set.

  • Performing certain Autofilter actions.

  • Double-clicking a row or column divider (in Automatic calculation mode).

  • Adding, editing, or deleting a defined name.

  • Renaming a worksheet.

  • Changing the position of a worksheet in relation to other worksheets.

  • Hiding or unhiding rows, but not columns.

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