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How to add your Genesis Volatility API key in Cryptosheets
How to add your Genesis Volatility API key in Cryptosheets

Update your Cryptosheets settings with your API key to instantly access your advanced derivatives analytics for options & futures

Written by Chris Ware
Updated over a week ago

Adding your API Key to Cryptosheets in 30 seconds

Follow these quick steps to enable full access to all of your data from inside Cryptosheets in Excel or Googlesheets.

Adding your API key:

  1. Get your API key from your account page on the API website

  2. Login to your Cryptosheets account

  3. Go to the settings section

  4. Select All Integrations

  5. Click the green Activate button for your integration

  6. Follow the steps to enter your required credentials (see pictures below) including your x-oracle API key as provided by the team

  1. From Cryptosheets select a authenticated endpoint

  2. Press Make Request OR enter a custom function
    πŸ‘‰ Excel:
    ​=CS.QUERYA("GenesisVolatility","Options Open Interest & Volume DVol Index","x-oracle","Your API key","query","query dVol { dVol: genericDvol(symbol: BTC, exchange: deribit) { timerange instrument open high low close } }")
    πŸ‘‰ Google Sheets
    ​=CSQUERYA("GenesisVolatility","Options Open Interest & Volume DVol Index","x-oracle","Your API key","query","query dVol { dVol: genericDvol(symbol: BTC, exchange: deribit) { timerange instrument open high low close } }")

  1. Select GenesisVolatility from the left menu (under providers)

Use quick access support resources:

  1. Cryptosheets Docs portal dedicated endpoint page

  2. Provider's native API docs page

  3. YouTube example & tutorial link

Click the provider support link to launch the API docs page for additional support


  • uses a GraphQL API which differs from a traditional REST API. That means query structure, formula syntax and custom queries may be slightly different than what you're used to. Contact either team for help with examples and make sure to check out our extensive tutorial & example resources.

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TAGS : gvol,, genesis volatility, options, bitcoin options, skew, option strike, calls, puts, implied volatility, excel, googlesheets, google sheets, spreadsheet, crypto data, bitcoin, blockchain, crypto derivatives, portfolio, margin, strike price, graphql api, api keys, adding api keys, gvol api keys

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