Using Cryptocompare data in Cryptosheets
This article demonstrates two examples of how to pull Cryptocompare data into your spreadsheet using the side panel console
and custom functions
You can currently pull 60+ endpoints from Cryptocompare into Cryptosheets including:
Coin-List, Mining-Equipment, Mining-Contracts, Price, Pricemulti, Pricemultifull, Generateavg, V2 Histoday, V2 Histohour, V2 Histominute, Daily Market Close, Histoday, Histohour, Histominute, Pricehistorical, Dayavg, Exchange Histoday, Exchange Histohour, Pair Mapping Fsym, Pair Mapping Exchange, Pair Mapping Exchange Fsym, Pair Mapping Planned Updates, Top Totalvolfull, Top Totaltoptiervolfull, Top Mktcapfull, Top Exchanges, Top Exchanges Full, Top Volumes, Top Pairs, Social Coin Latest, Social Coin Histo Day, Social Coin Histo Hour, V2 News , News Feeds, News Categories, News Feedsandcategories, Ob L2 Exchanges, Ob L1 Top, Ob L2 Snapshot, Stats Rate Limit, Stats Rate Hour Limit, V3 All Exchanges, All Includedexchanges, Cccagg Pairs, Cccagg Pairs Excluded, Cccagg Pairs Absent, Cccagg Coins Absent, All Coinlist, Exchanges General, Gambling General, Wallets General, Cards General, Mining Contracts General, Mining Companies General, Mining Equipment General, Mining Pools General, Recommended All, Top Totalvol, Top Totaltoptiervol, Top Mktcap, Subs, Subswatchlist, Coin Generalinfo
Explore more Cryptocompare endpoints here
Although Cryptocompare has 60 available endpoints, we will use V2 Histoday
as our example.
Get daily historical OHLCV including open, high, low, close, volumefrom and volumeto. The values are based on 00:00 GMT time. If e=CCCAGG and tryConversion=true, it attempts conversion through BTC or ETH to determine the best possible path. The conversion type and symbol used are appended per historical point. If you want to get all the available historical data, you can use limit=2000 and keep going back in time using the toTs param. You can then keep requesting batches using: &limit=2000&toTs={the earliest timestamp received}. NOTE: fSym and tSym must be in UPPERCASE
Example data returned:
1. Install the Cryptosheets add-in from Microsoft AppSource Store
2. Make sure you are logged into your Cryptosheets account
Using the console
1. From the Cryptosheets ribbon click data
2. Type in type in "Cryptocompare..." then click on V2 Histoday
3. Scroll through the console parameters and input your values
4. Select the cell you want to place the data into
5. Click make request
Using custom functions
1. In any cell type the following:
=CS.QUERY("Cryptocompare","v2 histoday",{"fsym","ETH";"tsym","USD";"limit",50})
If you need help remembering the exact parameters for any function, you can always just type in any cell:
=CS.PARAMETERS("Cryptocompare","v2 histoday")
*Note: you must have one of the supported versions of Microsoft Office or Excel for custom functions to work
Helpful Resources:
Visit the API documentation for Cryptocompare here
Troubleshooting: please reference the following troubleshooting code: QUE-1203-407
Learn more here
Tags: historical, cryptocompare, ohlcv, candles, excel, googlesheets, spreadsheet