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Cryptocurrency market cap rankings, charts and more

Written by John Young
Updated over a week ago

Cryptosheets integrates with numerous popular services in the cryptographic asset space. 


CoinMarketCap is a cryptocurrency market cap rankings, charts, and information website.



The ticker is a high level overview of the state of the market. It shows you the current best bid and ask, as well as the latest trade price. 

Importing CoinMarketCap data into Excel

One of the most popular data sources in Cryptosheets is CoinMarketCap. We will use the "Ticker" endpoint in this tutorial.

Required Parameters

  • Currency - Choose what currency you want to display. Default is US Dollar (USD).

  • Limit - specify how many data points you want to return. Default is 10, with the ability to pull all coins offered.

  • Refresh - choose refresh interval. For example, if user chooses 15 minutes, data will automatically pull every 15 minutes, as long as the Cryptosheets window is open. Default is 15 minutes.

Optional Parameters

  • Label - Allows you to customize the tag for specific pulls.

How to pull

After logging in:

Click the "View Dashboard" button in the ribbon

Click the orange "+" symbol at the bottom right of Home

Click "CoinMarketCap Ticker"

Make sure your cursor is in cell A1, and click the "Highlight Range" button

Verify the data will not overwrite any existing cells, and click "Place Data"

Data will be pasted into cell A1 of your worksheet


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